Allied London has the belief that it is highly sustainable to regenerate neglected city centre areas into vibrant, well designed and active places, which many people can access easily in a sustainable manner, where the design is targeted to engage the ultimate end-user and their experience and where all this is delivered and managed in a comprehensive manner.

Allied London is committed to developing sustainable properties, including offices, retail and residential, whilst balancing environmental, social and economic factors, to enhance the locality and at the same time, minimising global impacts.

On all development projects Allied London seeks to:

- Design and construct high-quality, functional buildings that are flexible for the future to maximise their lifetime, and that achieve an "Excellent" BREEAM rating where possible.

- Improve the local surroundings by enhancing biodiversity, creating aesthetic buildings and public spaces, protecting archaeological and heritage resources

- Prioritise the health and safety of people working at, and using, our buildings

- Maintain high human rights principles and treat with respect and equity those with whom we work

- Proactively engage stakeholders, including statutory and regulatory authorities, tenants, communities and our supply chain, and in doing so, raise awareness of the importance of integrating social, environmental and economic issues into the property development process

- Use the earth's resources efficiently, including to maximise energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources of energy, minimise water use, maximise the use of recycled and recyclable materials, reduce waste and re-use and recycle materials; and encourage walking, cycling and use of public transport in place of private vehicles

- Minimise emissions to air, land and water, including greenhouse gases associated with climate change.

Stuart Lyell, Development Director at Allied London, is responsible for monitoring and reviewing this policy annually to ensure that it is successfully implemented and that it remains current.

Michael Ingall